There is something so special about receiving a letter in the post. The joy of getting a personal letter with a stamp on it in an envelope is such a forgotten joy. And we hope to bring letter writing back in fashion.
We are all so busy these days, that we just fire off an email to someone to say ‘hey, thinking of you. Hope all is well…’ Nice to do, but how much nicer for that loved one to open their letterbox and find a personal letter! The joy of it! The spontaneity and the pleasure of knowing someone took time to write a letter, put it in an envelope, write the address on it, put a stamp on it and take it to the mailbox! Wow, that’s so cool!
Yes, it can seem a little weird to get started, but once you start writing and receiving letters back you will love it! I promise!
So What Letters Can We Write?
1. Write a letter to a friend, just because.
2. Send a real letter to someone you follow online. Like a post you read? Be different and send a letter telling how you liked the post.

3. Send your mum a letter, or you Grandmother, or your Aunt. I promise you will be the favored child if you do this! Bonus points if you also include a clipped recipe or article you think they might enjoy.
4. Write a note to your kid’s teacher, saying thanks for the great job they do.
5. Write to someone serving abroad. Operation Gratitude accepts letters thanking Troops, Veterans, New Recruits, or First Responders for their service. Share the love.
6. Send an updated photo of the kids to a grandparent you don’t see often
7. Write a fun letter to your partner or child and hide it somewhere they will find it.

8. Send a letter to your friend who is celebrating a birthday.
9. Pick a friend who lives a long way from you. Send them a letter that includes an envelope and stamp for them to reply to you. This could be the beginning of a fun way to keep in touch.
10. Send a thank you for a gift you received or for a dinner you attended.
11. Write to thank your doctor, dentist or hairdresser for the work they do.
12. Write a fan letter to your favorite band, actor or singer. Go all old-school with this!
13. Get involved in a movement by putting your writing skills to use for Amnesty International
14. Join the Letter Writing Alliance and be part of the movement towards writing letters again.

Our newest typewriters:
All our typewriters are fully working typewriters that are perfect for writing letters and notes to your friends and loved ones.
SOLDOlivetti Dora Typewriter and Case$225.00 USD
SOLDGreen Olympia Traveller Typewriter$320.00 USD
SOLDOlympia SM2 Typewriter$320.00 USD
SOLDRetro Red Remington Typewriter$200.00 USD
SOLDOlympia SM3 Typewriter$370.00 USD
SOLDOlympia SM4 Typewriter 1960$465.00 USD
SOLDOrange Olympia Traveller deLuxe Typewriter$350.00 USD
SOLDRemington Portable No. 5 Typewriter with a mystery$340.00 USD
SOLDRed Olivetti Lettera 22 Typewriter$399.00 USD
Our Typewriter Coloring Book is here!

The Typewriter Coloring Book features some of the many typewriters we have had in store. We loved creating fantastic coloring pages from real typewriters. The Typewriter Coloring Book has more than 30 coloring pages of fabulous retro and vintage typewriters. We also added interesting facts and information about typewriters for you to enjoy.

We love sharing our passion for typewriters and The Typewriter Coloring Book is another way for us to share the joy of typewriters with even more people. Grab your copy today or give one away as a gift.